Kelandry Speaks

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Chronic Pain

Since I was a teenager, I’ve had migraines. I’ve been to countless doctors throughout my life to figure out what it is and where it comes from. In the last 7 years it has gotten way worse. Come to find out it is from my TMD or temporomandibular joint disorder. Basically my jaw isn’t in the correct spot and it knocks in my jaw joint and gives me excruciating pain that turns into a tension migraine.

Only in the last 2 years have we gotten it to be better than what it was. I went from having them 4 out of the 7 days of the week to maybe a few times a month. Stress makes them worse. And I’ve adjusted to them by just powering through them with some kind of pain med + caffeine (Excedrin Tension Headache is magic). But now that I haven’t been home in two years, I don’t have anymore. So I’ve gone with a lesser Japanese brand called Eve. They only work a little.

So since I finished all my grades and comments I’ve had a headache that has waved from light annoyance to full on curled up in a ball migraine over the past week. For those of you who have never had a migraine, you’re so lucky. I’d much rather have any other problem than this. It doesn’t allow me to do much, and unfortunately it keeps me from being active or social.

BUT what comes with chronic pain like this is the endless string advice from friends and family. “Have you tried….insert thing they heard on the internet or from someone else…”

Yes I have. No it does work. Thank you for trying.

I get it is out of love and concern but that isn’t helpful. Most people with chronic pain don’t need your advice, they just need your compassion. Try going, “I see you aren’t well. Is there anything I can do to help?” instead of “Have you tried this…?”

We’ve tried it all.

We just have to ride the wave until it goes away.

Here goes day 9 of a headache/migraine. At least I don’t have to go to work and really interact with anyone.

Current Pain Scale = 4