Short Stories - Character Development - Fan Fiction

A window in my Brain

Welcome to my brain.

Where the ideas from my mind become the words you see.

DnD Characters


Playing a game of make-believe with other people can really allow you to be someone you want to be. What happens once the session is over? There is so much more than what you get to act out. Here is where I introduce my dungeon and dragon characters and give more on their backstory.


Short Stories


Most of these stories come from my dreams. If they make it to the next morning with me remembering, I have to get them on paper. What seems so vivid when I’m deep in my R.E.M. cycle can fade so quickly. So what is shared here were powerful, meaningful, and epic stories I have to share.


Fan Fiction


I’m obsessed with Harry Potter. Have been since I was seven. So here is where a lot of fan fiction I write is housed. Most of it…Harry Potter and JKR’s wizarding world. But occasionally I’ll write something in the MCU, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, or Pokémon. It’s just my place for all my nerd world.